Saturday, September 3, 2022

A picture of Love and Devotion

These are my parents. They were married September 3, 1960.   
Today would have been their 62nd wedding anniversary.  
September 3rd will forever hold a double meaning for our family now.  
Exactly one year ago, we laid my mom to rest. 
Mom and Dad modeled deep devotion in faith, to each other, and their family. The stories from their wedding day, young married life, good times, sickness, health and death, all indelibly etched in our hearts. 
They have set the bar high for all of us.

These beautiful hands exemplify so much. Young pure love. Untouched by a hard life and work.  My Mom never took her ring off. Neither has my Dad.  (My Mom always with the almond shaped, white nails. She was ever the lady). I love this picture and I sure do miss her.  

“You only die once, you live every day.” - Jon Feal